Retail Outlets
StorePoint? is the database of geo-coded retail and leisure outlets covering all multiples with three or more sites
Retail Parks and Shopping Centres
A database of all retail parks and shopping centres in Great Britain. A list of outlets on each park can also be provided and is extracted from the Retail Outlets dataset.
Census 2001 Data
2001 Census demographic data is now. The there are a number of packs available. Each pack has a large number of variables.
Household Expenditure
Household Expenditure data covers over 40 categories of household expenditure. The categories will relate to the European COICOP classifications. The data is derived from the Family Expenditure Survey (FES). This survey is undertaken annually by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) – the most consistent and detailed source of this type of data. The data is weighted further to improve accuracy.
Street Rankings?
Street Rankings? identifies multiples (stores with 3 or more locations) located on the main shopping streets of 760 major retail towns in Great Britain. This can be used to estimate possible areas of high footfall or just where the best streets are.
Road Networks
Many road networks are available for use with our Routing products. For more information then contact us.
Bespoke Requirements
If you are finding it difficult to locate a particular dataset then contact us