This application is for school transport and other pick-up drop-off problems
RAVA will calculate how many vehicles are needed and the routes to be taken to get students from a series of bus stops to their allocated school.
• Import students from one or more school
• Allocate students to nearest bus stop (walking route)
• Define a vehicle fleet to work with
• Define calculation parameters
• Shortest / fastest route
• Maximum onboard time
• Define feeder routes
• Network can be any coordinate system (geographic / projected)
• Create networks directly from TAB, TABx, SHP and GML files
• Mapping source from WMS, TMS or OSM
• Export routes to GIS (TAB, SHP or GML)
• Links Capita ONE and data from SEEMIS via CSV files
Application licence from £9900
Annual Maintenance and Support from £6000
Short Term Lease from £1500 per month
Implementation Packages from £2500
(All prices exclude VAT)